For most workplaces, cleaning is a task that is virtually invisible until something goes wrong. Your workers clock off and when they return the bins have been emptied and the hand towel and soap have been topped up. Everything chugs along just the way it is supposed to and you may not think about your […]
A spotless home is important for several reasons. It makes the overall environment pleasant, healthy, and more welcoming for family and guests. However, there are many people who consider the task of keeping house clean tiring. No one likes to invest their extra time in such boring and dull work. Regular cleaning in a house […]
When you are planning to hire a professional to clean your home, you look for some who is trustable and can provide the best residential cleaning services at a fair price. But how can you be sure, you are hiring the right company? Here are some important questions you need to consider before you hire […]
Christmas is a time when people are always coming and going. You have friends and family visiting and you might even have the occasional guest staying overnight and sleeping on the sofa. All of this means that as well as having the usual Christmas chores to complete, you have to ensure that your home is […]
There are lots of articles out there about dust mites and how bad they are. Some say they can lay up to 300 eggs and can live for a year without food. Some say they live for 10 weeks and lay 100 eggs. The important thing to know is that they are the second highest […]
Which of these places in the average home has the most bacteria? A – Inside the kitchen waste bin? B – Behind the fridge? C – In the shower pipe? D – Under the toilet seat? E – None of these places? If you answered A, B, C or D then try again! According to […]
Keeping your carpets clean is a hard task and it gets even harder when you have to deal with carpet stains that might seem too difficult to remove. Did you know that most of the stains can be easily removed by yourself? Although it is recommended to use a professional carpet cleaning service at least […]
Periodic kitchen cleaning is a job almost everyone is tasked with, at some point in their life, and most of us have routines and techniques that work best for us when it comes to cleaning the room in which we prepare our food. However, there are several good tips we have found that will make […]
Have you ever thought how long will your carpet live after you purchase it? Most manufacturers nowadays say approximately 10 years, but that is if the carpet has been maintained well. For that you need professional carpet cleaning. As we all know London is one of the busiest places in the world and people move […]
As the leaves are falling and the seasons start to change, the one universal custom that best signifies the end of fall and beginning of winter even more than climate is the holidays. No matter where you reside, mid-july always marks the start of the compact holiday season, filled with family visits, lights, decorations, and […]