DIY Cleaning Tips
Whether it is a carpet, upholstery or tile and grout, cleaning is just to extend its life. Every one or two years your property areas need a deep clean to remove all the dust pollutants. But what if you are too busy in your daily work routine and don’t get time to clean the areas?
Choosing DIY cleaning tips and tricks you can save both time and money. This is because there are various household ingredients it can use to clean your dirty carpets or upholstery. These ingredients include:-
- Vinegar: This is one of the common natural cleaning ingredient available in every home. It is used with the combination of water to remove hard stains from your dirty areas.
- Baking Soda: It is used for cleaning and deodorizing your dirty areas. Also, baking soda is known as the all-purpose cleaner.
- Borax: This is another natural and organic cleaning ingredient used to eliminate any dirt and stains. You can use it with vinegar or water for better results.
Also, if your property is prone to spills difficult to clean, then using quality cleaning equipment is worthwhile. There are many cost-effective cleaning types of equipment available in the market which fits your budget. You can choose one of them and clean your area yourself.
Hence, DIY techniques are easy and time-saving but what if you want quality cleaning result? No worries! At Xtraordinary Carpet Cleaning, we are here to provide you excellent cleaning result for all your dirty areas. Using advanced cleaning techniques, our team of cleaners ensures you sparkling clean property.
For more DIY updates or offers about our cleaning services, you can contact us at 951-302-1033.