How To Get Old Dog Urine Smell Out Of Carpet?
Every dog owner has to face an accident because of their dogs; whether they brought a new puppy or giving house training to their dog to go out for a pee. Unfortunately, it is not possible for your pet to go to a specific place for pee and mess. You cannot get angry at them, as you have to learn and calm down yourself to deal with these situations.
But there is one thing that you cannot ignore or avoid, smell and bad odor of pet urine. If you forgot to take immediate action then the odor settles with time. When the urine settles inside the carpet fibers, it becomes tough to remove the bad urine odor. Then after so much cleaning also, you will find a bad smell on your carpet.
The professional pet odor removal services can deal with every bad stain and smell on your carpet. Here are five easy steps on how to get old dog urine smell out of the carpet.
Five Easy Steps to Extract Old Dog Urine Smell Out Of Carpet
Step: 1
Find the exact location of the urine spots on the carpet with the help of a UV flashlight. Because as the spot gets old you could not find the exact location with your naked eye.
Step: 2
Rinse the stain with water. Use a cleaner as it will absorb the stain from your carpet. Again rinse with clean water and remove the dirty water. Never use the steamer as it will set the stain and odor permanently on your carpet.
Step: 3
There are different pet odor neutralizers available in the market. You can even make a homemade pet odor neutralizer. Now, before applying the neutralizer on your carpet, test it on some hidden part. Make sure it does not form any stain on the carpet.
Step: 4
After applying a neutralizer, allow your carpet spot to dry completely. You can leave it for 1 hour to fully dry the spot.
Step: 5
If still there is a stain left, then use stain carpet remover which is easily available on all the hardware stores. Avoid cleaning your carpet with a chemical solvent such as vinegar and ammonia.
Get The Best Pet Odor Treatment Services In Temecula!
Your carpet is the most appealing element of your house. But if you are a pet lover than keeping your carpet odorless is difficult. You can keep your carpet free from old stains with home-made solutions also.
But due to working life, you cannot always keep an eye on your pet’s urine and odors. In that situation, you can always seek the help of professionals like Xtraordinary Carpet Cleaning. We hold years of experience in treating pet odors in Temecula and nearby areas.
Book your appointment by calling us at 951-302-1033. Also, follow us on our Facebook page to know more tips on removing old dog urine smell out of the carpet.